Bodify EMS in a Big TV Test (Kabel eins Magazine) – How Effective is Muscle Building at Home?
Nowadays, many fitness studios in Germany have incorporated EMS training into their regular programs. However, you don’t have to visit a studio to enjoy the benefits of EMS training.
The Bodify EMS trainers for home use offer flexible training with all the benefits. But does it really work? The Kabel eins magazine tested Bodify and answered one of the most frequently asked questions.
Does training at home really make a difference?
To find out, two couples tested the Bodify EMS Set Pro for six weeks.
Will the couples finally achieve their fitness goals? What does the journey to their personal feel-good body look like, and how does muscle building work? The K1 magazine shares the remarkable results with us.
All four testers noticed initial results after the six-week period. The testers also reported an increase in muscle mass and, where it was their individual goal, weight loss. However, it’s important to emphasize that EMS training cannot replace a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Before starting EMS training with Bodify: As a starting point for the study using the Set Pro from Bodify, the fitness levels of both couples were measured. This was done to facilitate a better comparison later on. The data was collected using bioimpedance measurement.
The first days with the EMS trainers
As with other Bodify customers, the couples primarily felt the impulses intensely at the start of the test phase. The body needs a certain adjustment period. It’s therefore recommended to start with the lowest intensity level.
During the first applications of the individual EMS trainers, the test participants noticeably felt the impulses. One of the test participants described the perception of their muscles as more intense and stronger due to the electrical impulses.
The EMS trainers cause the muscles to contract much more strongly. This factor makes EMS training so effective.
After the initial attempts and noticeable muscle soreness, the test participants were able to increase the intensity and make small progress after just one week. It is always important to listen to your body and adjust the levels accordingly.
The progress of the test – how the participants fared
Throughout the entire six weeks, the couples documented their training sessions and how they felt afterwards in a video diary. “This is really exhausting,” said one participant.
Through regular documentation, it was possible to closely monitor the progress of home training with Bodify. Experiences such as muscle soreness and fatigue were also recorded. In this sense, EMS training doesn’t differ much from conventional training, and the muscles clearly feel the workout the next day.
The couples also used the EMS trainers from Bodify in their everyday lives. This wasn’t about active training but rather wearing the trainers during daily activities, such as cooking, doing the dishes, or simply going about their day. This highlights the flexibility of EMS training and emphasizes the concept of training at home.
An important note is that recovery between training sessions is crucial. As with a workout plan involving weights and similar activities, it’s essential to take breaks and allow the muscles time to recover.
The conclusion: Is home EMS training worth it?
At the end of the six weeks with Bodify, the initial bioimpedance measurement was repeated. The test participants couldn’t have been more surprised.
The participants not only rated the results of the training as highly positive but also found the use of Bodify’s EMS trainers to be simple and convenient. The individual trainers are comfortable to wear and easy to regulate due to the different intensity levels.
The follow-up bioimpedance measurement confirmed this. The conclusion is clear: EMS training at home is absolutely worth it.