EMS studio vs. EMS training at home
EMS training can be done in two different ways. On one hand, there is training at home with the professional EMS devices from Bodify, and on the other hand, training in one of the many EMS studios.
But which method is better, and what are the differences between training in an EMS studio and training at home?
Training at Home
Training at home with Bodify is characterized by flexibility, freedom, and independence. You can train whenever and wherever you want, without being tied to the opening hours of a gym.
In addition, you can discover EMS entirely on your own. A clear advantage is the independence this type of EMS training offers. Many appreciate this distinct difference from studio training because EMS can be much better integrated into everyday life. You can also ideally attach EMS sessions to a workout and link them with your regular routine.
Training in the Studio
EMS training became well-known primarily through physiotherapy. For some time now, fitness enthusiasts have also been able to train in EMS studios, where a special suit is worn. However, there is no difference in the effectiveness of training at home versus in a studio.
Nevertheless, training in a studio can, of course, be much more structured. You have set times for your EMS training and the option to get professional advice. However, even during training with Bodify, you can reach our support team by phone to get tips and tricks for training with your Bodify trainer.
Now you have a good understanding of both types of training, and you can imagine how training with the EMS trainer at home works and how it takes place in an EMS studio. To give you an even better overview, let's dive into the similarities and differences between the two training methods.

Similarities: What to Expect at Home and in the Studio
Of course, there are some similarities between training at home and in an EMS studio, as both variants are based on similar principles.
The training process is very comparable in both cases: The body receives targeted impulses that activate the muscles. The positive effects on the body can also be similar. After just a few weeks of regular training, you can feel the first progress – whether at home or in the studio.
Differences: Where They Diverge
The first difference lies in the cost. Training in a professional studio costs significantly more than training at home with Bodify.
In a studio, you are paying, among other things, for on-site trainer supervision and the studio itself. If you are looking for a comparatively affordable fitness routine, Bodify and EMS at home are the right choice.
Hygiene is also a key focus when it comes to differences. In a studio, an EMS suit is typically provided and shared by different clients. With Bodify trainers, you can train at home with your own equipment, eliminating the need for additional concerns. Time management and flexibility are also worth mentioning here.
When you opt for studio training, you must stick to fixed times, making spontaneous sessions in the evening almost impossible.

At Home or in the Studio? Which Is the Right Choice?
You are now faced with a decision. After listing the pros and cons, it is clear that with Bodify trainers, you can enjoy the benefits of EMS training at home.
This way, you train entirely on your own and can get to know EMS training. You save costs and can usually notice a clear difference in your body after just a few weeks. However, it is important to emphasize that EMS training cannot replace a healthy diet and regular exercise.
You can see that EMS is incredibly versatile – a factor that impresses both in the studio and at home.