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Feeling good with EMS and healthy nutrition

Do you lack time in your daily life yet still have a strong desire to feel fit and healthy?

For those who also know the problem of time pressure and at the same time have the need to feel completely healthy, you are in the right place. Here, the keyword is EMS. Our motto: «feel good again with EMS and a healthy diet».

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To learn more, it’s first important to understand the background. Why can electrical impulses cause changes in your body, and what needs to be considered to truly achieve results with this technique?

Why does EMS help with energy consumption?

Just like with sports, EMS workouts alone are not enough if you don’t also pay attention to a healthy diet.

For EMS training, the same applies, and so besides training with the Bodify trainers, it’s important to base your diet on a foundation as healthy as possible.

EMS stimulation is done through low-frequency current, which is transmitted as an impulse to your muscles. This activates your motor nerves, causing muscle contractions.

Through the tension in your muscles, your body consumes energy, as during muscle building, your body also draws on your energy reserves.

The energy consumption during EMS training is also relevant here. It is comparably high during EMS training. This stimulates the cardiovascular system, and together with an active metabolism and healthy eating, tangible results can be achieved step by step.

EMS training doesn’t just focus on energy consumption but also on building muscles. This not only allows you to feel gradually better in your body but also experience continuous muscle growth.

What do experiences with Bodify say?

Tests show: there are noticeable differences.

With regular practice and a balanced diet, a positive trend becomes apparent. Many report seeing the first changes within the first 8 weeks, while for others, it takes up to 10 weeks. It’s important to note that every body is different, making each journey entirely unique.

The advantage of EMS training with Bodify is its high flexibility and independence. Training with the trainers can be easily integrated into everyday life with relatively low time investment.

It is now possible to make sports in daily life an attractive program, achievable with EMS. At the same time, the body changes positively, builds muscles, and you feel fitter.

Feeling good with Bodify and EMS

The concept of EMS training is therefore: step by step feeling good – with training from home.

For many, this is very appealing, as experiences with Bodify show. Whether it’s the building of muscles, stronger fitness, or simply a better sense of well-being – no matter the reason you choose, one thing is certain:

With Bodify, you can achieve this goal. A completely new sense of well-being awaits you, and combined with healthy eating, it even becomes a lot of fun.